Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Internet Marketing & SEO Tips - Article Marketing - Part 1

In this first part of an ongoing series we will take a look at some best practices marketers can follow when implementing article marketing campaigns. This first installment of the series will focus on selecting the proper websites on which to post your articles.

As most marketers are aware, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial aspect of any Internet Marketing campaign. Developing a healthy set of backlinks gives your site more credibility with the various search engines, resulting in higher search engines result page (SERP) placement. While all marketers chase after the coveted top position on these SERPs, most are satisfied with page one results. One of the most effective ways to help generate the requisite backlinks for these results is through the use of article marketing. In this first in an ongoing series on article marketing tips, we will examine some best practices that marketers should follow when writing content and posting articles for the purposes of SEO.

Choose your sites wisely - There many dozens of sites on the internet whose sole purpose is to host articles. These sites make their money off advertisements place alongside the posted articles, and marketers are able to leverage the sites to help achieve their goals. The relationship is typically a mutually beneficial one, but it does depend upon certain factors being satisfied. Many of these sites are part of a network of article trading. This means that they make the articles available to other websites and blogs (if you give them permission). This sharing causes traffic to the article and causes the search engine crawlers to take notice.

The SEO value of the links on these pages depends upon them being indexed by search engines. If you post an article to a site, but that article is never visited, there will not be any SEO value to your links. Some marketers prefer to choose sites that do this legwork for them. It can be an easy and convenient way to generate traffic and get your article indexed. However, this method is not without risk. Many times these articles will be distributed to sites, which will then strip your links out and simply pass off your content as their own. It is for this reason that it is typically not advised to allow the article sites to redistribute your articles.

Instead, there are some ways that you can put this process into your own hands. First and foremost, the articles should be well written, with relevant and keyword rich content. If the articles are genuinely informative, entertaining or otherwise useful to your intended audience, they will find the article and create the necessary traffic for you. Second, there are third party tools and websites that will help you generate organic traffic to your article. Using social bookmarking websites like Digg and Reddit, you can mark your article, place it in an appropriate category and assign it relevant keywords.

Users of these services who may be seeking similar content will be able to find them through these sites if they are correctly labeled and placed in an appropriate category. The traffic generated by these links will certainly help your article get crawled by the search engines, but if it is picked up by other, legitimate sites with high-traffic of their own, the SEO value can grow at an exponential rate.

Tim Kennedy writes on behalf of inSegment, Boston's leader in search engine marketing, online marketing and the home of Boston SEO.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

How Article Marketing Works to Get Website Traffic

Internet marketing requires a good deal of work and a good deal of methods to be employed in order for it to work and one of the best methods is article marketing. Article marketing is really what it sounds like; you or someone else writes the articles and then them to distribute to various sources online all in an effort to gain some notoriety for yourself and your website.

While this may sound like a breeze, it really is easier said than done. Here is how article marketing works:

o Creating an Article: Before you can do any kind of article marketing you have to first have an article to market with. This can be written by you or someone else that you hire but the article should be filled with useful information that is aimed at a target audience and is relevant to your website or the service industry you are in You will want to use proper search engine optimization, or SEO, techniques when writing your article which means using keywords and or phrases throughout the text. This way your article will have a better chance of being picked up by the search engines and if good enough will show up regularly in the search engine results pages, or SERPs.

o Distributing your Article: After you have an article created the next step is to get it out for the masses to read and to use. The first place you should post your article is on your own website. Create a page on your website specifically for your articles as this will create a way for readers to find your site and thus your services. There are a number of article submission sites online that allow you to sign up for free and then submit as many articles as you desire. At most of these submission sites you will not be allowed to link directly to your website within the body of your text but you will be able to create a resource box which is a small blurb about you the author. This is the perfect place to mention your website and your services.

o Keep Distributing: You want to submit your article to as many article directories as you can, but also look for niche sites to publish your article on. Find established, authoritative sites in your industry and contact them to see if they accept guest articles or guest blog posts. Most of them do as all webmasters are constantly on the look for fresh new content for their site. Send them your article and author information (along with website information) and you'll most likely get a nice backlink from a respected source.

Once you have done one article, do another. Then do another. Yes it is a rinse and repeat process and the more you get your articles out there the better chance you have of being mentioned on blogs, social media sites, and other websites as well. Once that happens you will begin to realize a booming of both links and visits to your website and if done properly, article marketing can help take your business to the next level in a very big way.

Submit your article to the web's premiere article directory. Zunus.com has been publishing quality article content since 2005.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Article Marketing Power - Internet Marketing Performance For Free

Whether most business owners realize it or not, virtually all business success in the future is going to be increasingly aligned with good online marketing, which implies the need to drive traffic to your website.

How to Drive Traffic?

The question is, how do you drive traffic to your site? There are numerous methods and subtle techniques to go with, but one that has stood the test of time is article marketing

What is article marketing? Article marketing leverages the power of the internet through the free distribution of your articles that are relevant to the industry, products or services in which your business deals.

Now these articles need to be written to appeal to your target audience, with useful information that makes these articles both valued by the reader in themselves, and such that it puts you in the position of being seen as an expert. To leverage that expert status, at the end of the article is usually a line of text about who you are, with a clickable link to your website or blog.

The articles are then released into the internet, with the aim that they will be picked up and used and have your message spread far and wide across cyberspace in an uncontrolled viral manner. Good articles can be spread between people very quickly and have broad viral reach.

This promotional technique deserves to be in every company's arsenal of marketing tactics, for it not only can be very effective in attracting new customers who are seeking to buy relevant products that you sell, but it also begins the process of turning you and your company into experts that generates a higher credibility and trust, leading to more referrals and sales.

You Can Do It

Now before you start to think that you are already busy enough without having to write articles, consider the following. You don't have to write them yourself. In fact, there are a number of techniques for turning your expertise into articles, including transcribing interviews of yourself, getting a ghost writer to do it for you based on your requirements, etc. Check out internet marketing books for more details on these tactics.

Now, for an article to do its job well as a marketing tool, it needs to be intelligently created around the keywords people are searching for on Google etc. Using Google's Keyword Tool can give you insight into what words people are using, and this should influence the choice of title and wording within the article.

Your free distribution is often done via you uploading the article to an "article site" directories, such as EzineArticles, where they are released for free distribution to people who are looking for articles to put into their website, or in their ezine. This is why you need to include the bio at the end, so readers far and wide can find their way back to you via that link.

So, by writing article marketing with good content for readers, and using the article directory sites, the company site should over time receive large numbers of visitors free of advertising cost.

Now one thing to bear in mind is that, it is not a good idea to submit the exact same article to many such directories. It is better to write various versions so that you get the benefit of multiple directory exposure.

Use Articles with Other Marketing

Furthermore, as with all good marketing, coordinated marketing campaigns try to make the various tactics synergize. So it is better if article marketing is used in conjunction with search engine optimization (SEO), and other internet marketing techniques.

Now clearly there are costs with this approach, but nothing like the cost of more direct methods as Pay Per Click (PC) advertising, such as Google AdWords. In fact, experience shows that over time, using good SEO with article marketing, you can do this for far less cost. What's more, you will raise you expertise and standing in the marketplace and create a loyal following if you give back to the target community such useful information.

From this foundation, sales will grow and be supported by your status, and most importantly, not be as easily affected by advertising campaigns by your competitors.

About the Author

Ian Hodgkinson has been active on the net for some years, and operates an internet marketing publishing business. Ian has found that a huge amount of energy is being wasted by people anxious to start making money online. Check out his materials and move from being a "consumer" to being a "producer" and earner.

To assist your marketing efforts, please download 7 free ebooks on SEO, viral traffic, Web 2.0 techniques, blogging, affiliate income, joint ventures, and the use of PLR products from: http://www.ianhodgkinson.com

(c) Copyright - Ian Hodgkinson. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Internet Marketing Tools: Improve Your SEO With Article Marketing

Whether you are a newbie or a veteran in the Internet Marketing world, you should know by now that you have to build lots of incoming links to your website. This is the only way that you will be noticed by famous search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing (MSN). An incoming link is a vote that your website gets; it also helps your website to receive link popularity.

Now, let us talk about link popularity. This is a term used to describe the votes your site gets or how popular it is. This should be every website owners' main goal, to get link popularity if you really want your niche to dominate Google, Yahoo and Bing.

So, how do you get links? Now, one of the methods being used by most Internet Marketers nowadays is article marketing. They either write their own articles or hire people to write the articles for them for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes. This is indeed a proven method to gain incoming links from most Page Rank (PR) websites. Articles are known to give incoming links and at the same time drive traffic to your website. It is basically hitting two birds with a stone.

Okay, so you still want to know how you do it? Here it is. First, you need to write an article that is related to whatever product or services that you are offering. Make sure that you use your chosen Keywords. Then, you have to submit your articles to famous article directories like EzineArticles, GoArticles, and so on and so forth. Every article directory will allow you to add in your links to their author or signature boxes. That's it! As easy like that.

Yes, doing that will definitely get you more votes or visits to your website, most especially if you write quality content articles. It will definitely make people want to know what your site is all about.

Writing can either be done by you (if you want to save money) or you can easily hire other people to do it for you. The key here is to write something that you know about. That makes writing easier on your side.

Doing it for a long haul will definitely give you more votes or visits to your website and in turn your link popularity will definitely go up. Every article posted in article directories is being viewed by tons and tons of people everyday. So the more you make lots of them, the better it is for the popularity of your website. Writing articles is truly an effective SEO Tactics that you must consider if you want your popularity link to go up.

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Friday, February 17, 2012

SEO Via Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the top techniques for better SEO(search engine optimization) that you can use to increase your traffic, and better your website rank. Actually, I have found article marketing (when it's done correctly) to be so effective with SEO, that I have created a branch in one of my companies exclusively for article marketing. I chose to not even do any other kind of SEO, rather I work with websites that are already optimized for search engines, but are not receiving the traffic or ranking that they would like. So many people are really good at SEO, and outdoing them means using SEO strategies that they don't use, or don't use well.. I like to say that websites are like islands in the Internet Ocean. Links, RELEVANT links, are like bridges to your island.

Article marketing SEO strategies are simple to do, but they are very time consuming if you don't have the right setup. But if you want to be a baller at it, you have to do what ballers do.

The first step in article marketing is to come up with the top 7-10 search terms, or keywords, that you would like search engines to list you under. Then write an article AROUND THOSE KEYWORDS, and at the end of the article, list a link that people can go to for more info. The articles that I write are typically no longer than 600 words, but at least 300 words.

The next major step in article marking is to write at least 2 or 3 variations of that article, but use the same link. Ok that was the easy part. Now you have to submit them to as many of the top article directories on the internet as you can. Each article is like a bridge that can increase traffic to your website. Search engines like Google, will see a bunch of articles (that are not the same, if you write variations) that reflect the keywords that were entered, and if they're ALL pointing to the same link, than that link MUST be the place to send traffic! AHA!

I have setup a system where clients who want better SEO, send us their articles and my team optimizes them, and submits them to an average of 80 of the top directories on the internet. The service is very inexpensive and much more efficient then to do it yourself. Almost invariably, at least one of the articles is on one of the first 2 pages of Google WITHIN HOURS! Over the next several days, more will start to appear. And when Google sends out its spiders, your website rank will increase dramatically.

Don't hesitate to believe that we are the best in the world at article marketing. I look forward to working together with you.

Check my BIO for the link.

Click here to visit the Article Ultra Marketing department of NNOS Studios. This is a path for success.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Article Marketing - Combining SEO and Article Marketing For Internet Marketing Victory

Are you aware that knowing the right tricks and secrets about SEO and article marketing can be your key in achieving your very own internet marketing victory? Yes, by learning facts about strategies in relation to the two, it would be easier for you to pinpoint the right from the wrong moves as you move on to your marketing approaches. This is essentially important to being with in as much as you want to avoid wasting your time in unproductive efforts. It is crucial that you learn if prior to getting to the midst of your struggles because this would greatly minimize the burden of having to start all over again to straighten out some wrong curves that you have done as you went along.

Idea # 1 - Start with article marketing in the desire to gain better search engine rankings. You must begin with submitting well-written articles to various article directories. Make sure that you have carefully learned by heart what is allowed and what is not from this article submission sites before you move on to submitting your unique articles.

Idea # 2 - Make sure that articles submitted are free from all types of errors. Correct grammar and spelling plays an important role in establishing credibility as an expert in your niche. Present yourself as someone who is perfectly aware of what he is writing about. Besides researching to be able to create high-quality content, it is crucial that you also double check your creation.

Idea # 3 - Be certain that you use your well-researched keywords in the anchor text of the links included either in the resource box or within the article content. Take advantage of the benefits that keyword research tools like Word Tracker can provide for you.

Do you want to learn how I build a list and make money online? I've just finished writing a brand new FREE ebook called '7 Steps to Profits and List Building with Article Marketing'.

Download it FREE here: Article Marketing Profits


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Article Marketing Vs PPC Marketing - The Heavyweight Bout

It's Article Marketing vs. PPC marketing, article marketing being a heavyweight in free traffic (aside from SEO and Social Media) while PPC marketing is a heavyweight in paid traffic (others being banner ads and PR campaigns).

If you have only one choice, which one is better to choose? Keep reading and find out.

1) Cost

There's nothing really to compare between free and paid right? Wrong. Articles may be free but it costs more time to create and publish.

It's definitely worth to think about the trade-off between writing an article and just paying for immediate traffic.

However, you can always outsource articles - which essentially makes article marketing paid.

Tie marks on this one.

2) Pre-sell

Article marketing is essentially a pre-sell. You gain the trust and favor of your audience by giving quality information.

On the other hand, PPC marketing is an ad. We know how people respond to ads.

People like to buy stuff, they just don't want to be sold to.

Articles take the edge on this one.

3) Backlink Source

Articles have been, and always will be great backlink sources. If at the very worse your article sends you no traffic, at least you would have a backlink source for SEO purposes.

On the other hand, PPC marketing is a hit-or-miss affair. Once people click, you pay, and if that visitor doesn't buy a product or subscribe to your newsletter, then that's a loss for you that you can't get back.

Articles have the upper hand here.

4) Speed

PPC marketing can bring you traffic the moment you put them up. They are even easier to set up than any other traffic generation technique out there.

Articles have to go through research, writing, submission, and finally approval before they can give you any type of results.

PPC wins on this account.

With 2-2 on the scorecard, it's really a tie. It's apples and oranges. The best marketing method for you really depends on your needs and your resources.

The guarantee is that both works, so you really can't go wrong with either one.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

How to Earn Money Using Your Blog, SEO and Article Marketing Strategies

Have you ever wondered how an Internet Marketer, SEO Specialist, and Blogger earn money using their blog or website of more than $2500 per month or even more? When I started doing Search Engine Optimization, I wasn't amazed on Internet Marketers advertising their services that they will give you a monthly of more than a thousand of dollars in just a couple of months. Internet Marketing Consultants will even tell you that you can only earn more than a hundreds of dollars a month when you're updating your blog or website everyday and you will need to wait for months before you can get that. Behind their words, you will still need to have a nine-to-five day job just to have a budget for yourself and your blog.

One time, when I was searching for an image at Google.com, I saw a man holding a 6-digit Google AdSense paper check telling the world that it was the biggest he ever received way back in August of 2005 with just organic SEO alone and he did that for a span of 1.5 years. I still can't even believe that it will be that big.

Most Internet Marketers nowadays think and will say that Blogging is the newest medium in spreading news and information around the World Wide Web. Yes, I can say it's true but it has been in the Internet since early 2000. When blogging was introduced by Blogger.com, I did not take it seriously because I was busy doing web designs in pure static HTML. I wasn't even aware that it will be a big hit because, before, there are only a few people who are using it. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is what I do best. Since I was doing HTML and have been addicted to how search engine works, I am making a living with organic SEO. All of my websites are optimized to what a search engine user could do in Google, Yahoo, or Bing.

It was December of 2009; a client told me that I will be developing a website that needs to earn 20% of the actual revenue every month. So, I thought of different Internet Marketing Strategies on how I will do that before I start developing it. With the help of my Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Consultant, PHP Web Programmer, and my Copywriter I did build a website that I used to do this report.

I became an Article Marketing Specialists for the past 4 months of working with the website. The website wasn't really a Web 2.0 site. The site was boring and I will tell you that we made it something different from all of our Web 1.0 sites that we have created.

If you want to know more information about this article visit the full article at Earn Money by Blogging and learn more about Making a Living by Blogging at Blogypedia Social Blogger Community.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Successful SEO for Article Marketing

There are various techniques that should be implemented for successful article marketing. The most brilliantly composed prose in the world may become entirely worthless in SEO terms if the article does not make use of keywords and links correctly. Your results with strategies for link building using articles will be based upon whether or not you follow the suggestions discussed below in relation to article writing and article submission.

The primary and most important tip for publishing to article directories with regard to SEO purposes is to get your keywords right. Use Google's keyword tool so that you can choose keywords which are relevant to your website, while not too competitive to use in your article. This helps to ensure that search engines class your article's hyper-link to your website as 'relevant' and therefore it goes towards improving your ranking. When you are distributing articles you then need to place this word or phrase directly into your article so as it appears at about a 2-5% density. This means that somewhere between 2 and 5% of your terms should be your designated keyword when doing article marketing.

Why that percentage and not more or less? The explanation for this is by using more the search engines may in fact classify your content as spam, and any less they will not designate it as relevant. That is why link building employing articles can be a fine art, requiring a thorough balancing of keywords to content. We suggest to all writers that they use the following rule which is the quickest way to get it right; simply break your content up into paragraphs of around 100 words. Choosing density of 2% would mean that for 100 words you would want two keywords, and if the density is right in every paragraph, you will be safe when submitting your articles.

Finally, and above all, when marketing your site through article submissions be sure you incorporate your link and to place it in the right place. The majority of article directories will have something called a resource box for you to place a link, a photo and some information about yourself in. Include your link here rather than any place else in your article, and be sure that the keywords you are targeting are used in the "anchor text" of your link. If you don't know what this means, it is a reasonably basic bit of HTML that should be very easy to research online; or more often than not, the article directory website will have a guide on how this process is performed. You may also find that a number of article directories will allow for in-content hyper-linking. This is fairly simple; you merely add your link to up to three of your respective keywords or key phrases. Be sure you have at one link within the opening paragraph.

Article submission is by far the best way to propel your site to the number one position. Use our professional native English speaking writers to write and submit your article to hundreds of article submission sites.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Article Marketing - How a Good Article Marketing Campaign Looks Like

Whatever traffic generation technique you are using, it's always good to think of what you are doing as a campaign. An article marketing campaign, when done right, can deliver loads of highly targeted traffic to your website. How is what a good article marketing campaign looks like.

1) Popular long tail keywords.

2) Massive article writing.

3) Focus on proper anchor texts and SEO.

1) Popular long tail keywords.

For articles to be effective in driving traffic, you must first learn how to choose popular keywords. Good keywords have a decent level of traffic volume. When you target such keywords, you will get more views for your articles. That inevitably leads to more clicks.

2) Massive article writing.

Be prepared to submit hundreds of relevant articles. If you intend to just write 5 articles per month, it can take you years before you see any decent results. Some of your articles will bring you more traffic, while others will sizzle out. Overall, you will still be earning a good income when you have hundreds (or thousands) of articles published on the Internet.

3) Focus on proper anchor texts and SEO.

Professional article marketers never forget about using proper anchor texts and SEO. Writing keyword rich articles will work exceeding well. But why not get some unpaid traffic from Google directly while you are executing your article marketing campaign? Here is how it works.

Write and publish articles on your own website. Then build back links to your internal web pages. Over time, they will start to rank and you will receive even more traffic.

Want to learn how to get to the top of Google using Article Marketing? I have the tools, knowledge, and resources to help you achieve your traffic and income goals.

Join the article marketing newsletter by Darren Chow

Monday, February 6, 2012

Power Up Your SEO With Article Marketing Campaigns

Article marketing is by far one of the best methods to promote or sell your products or services on the Internet. It will enable you attract your readers to visit your site and not only will you have increased traffic, but the profile of your visitors will be highly targeted. Your readers will click on the provided link because they have read what you wrote in your article and are interested to find out more about your area of expertise or about the product/service that you are promoting. Without targeted traffic, you are not likely to make any money from your website.

With appropriate article marketing campaign, another benefit that awaits you is increasing your credibility and reputation as an author and expert in the field. By writing quality and highly informative articles that are providing people with valuable insights that they might not be aware of otherwise, you will automatically position yourself as an authority in your niche. Such articles, which you publish on different article directories, might also end up published on other websites by webmasters who will find your information valuable and interesting. That way the back-links pointing toward your site will be spread on the relevant websites as well, and generate even more traffic to you. Even more visitors will develop relationship of respect toward you as an author, will keep coming back to your website and will be more likely to listen to your marketing message when you make one. Developing trust and loyalty with your target audience is definitely one of the best methods to skyrocket your online business.

The true power of internet marketing lies not only in direct promotion, but also in powerful back-link building. High quality article directories with good page ranks are excellent sources to submit your articles to and have both good rank juice and targeted audience flowing toward your website. The more your article get published on different and reputable article directories, the more back-links you will generate and more will your website be perceived as an authority site by search engines and higher ranking position it will get.

The benefit you will receive from article marketing by far outmatches many other marketing methods and it is often the only method that many reputable marketers are using to promote their websites and earn profit. There are many other means that you can also try out and actually succeed in generating more traffic and increasing conversions, but article marketing still remains the strongest tool that is at your disposal.

Submit your articles to a Free Article Directory and get published within 24 hours!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

SEO in Article Marketing

SEO, or search engine optimization, is very important to article marketing. This is because it makes your articles more search engine friendly and more marketable to the people who need to read them.

The main way that you use SEO in article marketing is with keywords. Strategic keywords can be placed in your headline, first paragraph and other places throughout the article. Knowing the right keywords and where to place them is very important.

SEO in article marketing is a two-part process. This is because you want to write for the reader and give them good content and SEO can help the right people find your articles. It creates targeted traffic from people who are already interested in what you have to offer.

But as most people know, SEO is also for the search engines. Proper placement of keywords can get your articles ranked higher by the search engines for the keywords and phrases that you're targeting. The more relevant your article to the keywords, the better your ranking will be so it's important to do this properly.

You also need to be sure not to over-stuff the article with keywords. This can have the opposite effect and get you penalized by the search engines. A good rule of thumb is once every 100 words for placement of the keyword.

Now you can see how SEO in article marketing is important so all you need to do is learn to prepare your keywords properly and you can optimize all of your articles from now on. It just makes sense to get the most from the articles you write.

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Friday, February 3, 2012

Search Engine Marketing: Article Writing For High Rankings

If you are searching for an effective method of search engine marketing, article marketing may be what you are looking for. Article marketing involves writing relatively short (300-500 words) articles and submitting them to article directories. This process has many benefits which can help increase the number of visitors to your site as well as improve your position in the search results.

Back links are links on other websites that point to your website. Having lots of back links is one of the key factors to succeeding in search engine marketing. Article marketing techniques allow you to incorporate one or two links in your article to your website which target the keyword of your choice. This can help your site get ranked high in the search results for your desired keyword. The higher your ranking the more traffic you can expect from the search engines.

When doing article marketing the ranking of your articles is also part of you efforts in search engine marketing. Article pages often rank high because they gain the credibility of the article directory that publishes your article. This technique can be used to help you get multiple first page listings for a single keyword if you publish different articles to several article directories. As you can imagine, by dominating the search results you will give your website traffic a huge boost.

Keep in mind that when writing articles you need to provide useful information - not sales or promotional copy. The reader of the article should receive some benefit from the information they read. If a user finds value in what you have written they are more likely to click on your link and visit your website. When it comes to search engine marketing, article marketing can add another dimension that can drive more targeted traffic to your website.

One thing you must keep in mind when writing articles for search engine marketing: article keywords are crucial. Proper keyword research will make or break your campaign. There are tons of good keyword that you can target and there are tools and techniques for finding them. For example, the Google Adwords Keyword tool, which is free, can help you find popular keywords. By typing these keywords into Google in quotes you can get an idea of how many other pages target the same keyword. Picking keywords with low competition will make your marketing efforts easier.

As you can see, when it comes to search engine marketing, article marketing can be an extremely effective tool to not only helping you rank high in the search engine, but also for driving targeted traffic to your website.

If you found this article informative and would like to learn more about search engine marketing, article marketing, keyword research, and other online marketing techniques, please click here. Here you can read information about how to make money online using techniques that you can apply in your spare time.